
As a child, I was always quiet, introspective and never the loudest in the room. Everything I felt stayed sealed within my own mind. In a way, that’s a reason why it makes the most sense for the journey to my debut EP release to begin with this song. I was born into a loving family of talented musicians, each grappling with their own versions of self-doubt. Naturally, I inherited that. It’s been a long journey to understanding what it actually means to “believe in yourself”, beyond the cliche. It means feeling safe and secure within yourself, so that you don’t falter when entering any room, no matter who is in it, no matter the stakes. It means validating yourself, rather than seeking validation externally. It means knowing yourself deeply and not letting others define your narrative. It means trusting your inner voice and the second mind in your gut, rather than relying on others for direction. These are things I’ve struggled with for as long as I can remember.

Come with me
I’ll take you on a journey see,
The space between the world’s we know.
If you choose to see
The river than runs in you deep,
Then share the grief
I’ll show you how to let it go...
— Sarah Isabella - Intuition

‘Intuition’ marked a new beginning for me, a rebirth. It served as a reminder that I am small part of the world, but that every breath I take affects the wind around me. A reminder that tree’s listen, that there are messages in the moon, and that ‘God’ is both within and around me. Making this song connected me with that. It simultaneously highlighted my insignificance and my significance, but most importantly, it reminded me that the answers don’t lie outside of myself. My own self-worth, value and inner power, lie within my ability to quiet the whispers of doubt in my mind, and to hear the voice underneath, the one that truly guides the way.


Behind The Music: With Tolushorts